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your way through

"It’s a helpful tool for praying through your stress, hurt, intercessions, or whatever you’re experiencing, and appreciating God’s empathy and affirmation for you."

My Story

In 2016 my brother passed away.
It was a crazy time in my life.
It seems that EVERYTHING happened at once:

- My house-buddy of 12 years was relocating to another nation.
- I lost my visa after more than a decade abroad.
- My dog went missing and never was found (one week before my brother died).
- My mother nearly died due to wrong heart medication - she is a walking miracle.
- I was trying to get through my Masters' program.
- Financial stress as a volunteer.

My world was kinda... crashing in a matter of months.

I phoned a close friend who is a psychologist. Not only that, but she has one of the most astounding deep and intimate relationships with Jesus of anyone I know. I said

"what do I do... how do I get through this prayerfully"

She introduced me to Immanuel Journaling

This became part of my daily practice or what some call a rule of life. It worked for me. I could verbalize in a safe place what I really felt while first connecting my brain waves to 'relational connectedness to God through thanksgiving' Trauma causes us to disconnect relationally (it happens in the brain) and one can literally feel that distance when trying to pray whilst life falls apart. When the Bible says to enter God's presence through thanks and praise... it was stating a biological fact too. Amazing.

I invite you to join me in this journal journey that helps our relationship with our heavenly Father grow more intimate. It surely has helped me! We can get through any trauma, staying closely connected with God.

God is so personal, so real and so loving.
I cannot imagine going through something without Him.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


Play the following music when you start MUSIC

IF you are new at this, I suggest setting your alarm for 5 minutes during step 1: Interactive gratitude.

Take a moment to…
- Take a few breaths to slow yourself down
- Be fully present to the Presence of God
- Breath in and as you breath out say: Thank you for _____.

- Breath in again and  continue with thanks for 5 minutes until your alarm stops.

This activates the relational circuit in your brain for the following steps.

1. Interactive Gratitude (growing the joy center in the brain)
- Thank you... (5min)

2. Writing in your journal

​- A.  Dear Child of mine,

    .... Take a moment to listen to God’s response and write down your impression of how God would

respond to you.

- B.  Thought Rhyming

 I can see you…
Imagine God seeing your situation, environment, movement and inner experience, etc
“I can see your situation at the dining room in the dark, breathing heavily… I can see…”

I can hear you…
I can hear you say to yourself….

I understand how big this is for you
Imagine God who knows you well, validating
your experience with compassion

I am glad to be with you and see your
weakness tenderly…
Imagine God calling your name lovingly and simply enjoy being with him.
“I am always glad to interact with you…”

I can do something about what you are going through.
Imagine God assuring you that he has the power
to help you and give you everything you need.



Interactive Gratitude

Smiling Child

I simply do not FEEL like praying! How can I connect with God?


When we express gratitude and receive the same, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel 'good'. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside.


This in turns helps us to pray. Psalm 100:4 tells us that we actually ENTER into God's presence with THANKS GIVING & Praise. God gave us a KEY to help us feel happy to keep praying - we just have to kick-start prayer with thanks. 



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